"He was called the Friend of God."

James 2:23

The Exhaustive and Devotional Commentary on Genesis

Lesson 171

Isaac’s Prophecy

Genesis 27:18-29

Lesson 172

An End of Blessing Jacob

Genesis 27:14-37

Lesson 173

The Crossroads of Isaac and Esau

Genesis 27:30-41

Lesson 174

Esau’s Plague of Bitterness

Genesis 27:30-41

Lesson 175

Isaac’s Blessing of Esau

Genesis 27:30-42

Lesson 176

The Aftermath of Rebekah’s Schemes

Genesis 27:41-46

Lesson 177

The Charge and the Blessing

Genesis 28:1-10

Lesson 178

Jacob Alone

Genesis 28:1-11

Lesson 179

Jacob’s Dream

Genesis 28:10-15

Lesson 180

God’s Promise to Jacob

Genesis 28:10-17