"He was called the Friend of God."

James 2:23

The Exhaustive and Devotional Commentary on Genesis

Lesson 91

The Word “Found”

Genesis 16:6-15

Lesson 92

Hagar’s Son, Ishmael

Genesis 16:7-16

Lesson 93

El Shaddai

Genesis 16:7-16

Lesson 94

And God Talked

Genesis 17:1-17

Lesson 95

As for Me, Behold

Genesis 17:1-17

Lesson 96

God’s Covenant with Abraham

Genesis 17:6-12

Lesson 97

Waiting on God

Genesis 17:1-27

Lesson 98

The Selfsame Day

Genesis 17:18-27

Lesson 99

The Hospitality of Abraham

Genesis 17:22-27

Lesson 100

Abraham, Thy Servant

Genesis 18:1-15