"He was called the Friend of God."

James 2:23

The Exhaustive and Devotional Commentary on Genesis

Lesson 21

An Overview of Chapter Three

Genesis 3:1-6

Lesson 22

The Failures of Eve

Genesis 3:1-8

Lesson 23

The Serpent’s Tactics

Genesis 3:1-8

Lesson 24

The Battle of Spiritual Warfare

Genesis 3:1-8

Lesson 25

The Aftermath of the Fall

Genesis 3:7-19

Lesson 26

The Steps to Repentance

Genesis 3:9-20

Lesson 27

The Significance of the Coats

Genesis 3:9-21

Lesson 28

The Significance of Woman’s Seed

Genesis 3:11-21

Lesson 29

The Mercy Seat

Genesis 3

Lesson 30

The Birth of Two Seeds

Genesis 4:1-26